Why is evaluation of science and technology achievements important?

The development and evolution of science and technology is a highly intricate process. Historical experiences have shown that:

  • Brilliant ideas may take several decades or even centuries to be accepted as new knowledge or achieve commercial success.
  • Science and technology development often involves concurrent or intertwined threads of progress.
  • The original contributors to science and technology are not always easily recognized, leading to unfairness and detriment to the community.

The purpose of evaluating science and technology achievements is to

(1) Identify the most influential accomplishments, including original ideas and primary threads that contribute to the scientific progress or the commercialization of technology.

(2) Track the most influential researchers, institutions, or nations that have significantly contributed to the advancement of science and technology.

Evaluation criteria

We propose three prominent evaluation standards to assess science and technology:

  • Did it advance the state-of-the-art?
  • Did it advance the state-of-the-practice?
  • Did it facilitate research or education across communities, disciplines, or nations?

Additionally, we emphasize evidence-based assessment, considering factors such as notable citations, licenses or contracts, collaborations, technology transfer agreements, patent commercialization, clinical guidelines, or clinical trials.

The top 100 achievements initiative

Benefits of independent and third-party science and technology achievement evaluation

For individual researchers
Evaluation reports provide detailed, independent, and objective assessments of personal achievements and specific science and technology accomplishments. These reports can be used for job searches, promotions, funding applications, and immigration purposes.

For funding and research institutions
Independent and objective evaluation reports offer evidence for talent recruitment, assessment, and promotion. They also provide quantitative and qualitative data for allocating and assessing funding resources.

Evaluation services provided by BenchCouncil

(1) Personal science and technology achievement evaluation

  • Evaluation of prominent science and technology achievements made by a researcher.
  • Generally, it includes a 20-page or 30-page report.

(2) Science and technology achievement evaluation

  • Evaluation of a specific science and technology achievement made by a researcher.
  • Generally, it includes a 10-page report.

Service charges

Science and technology achievement evaluation:

  • Standard service: $2000 (US dollar), 4 business weeks
  • Premium service: $3000 (US dollar), 2 business weeks
  • Premium service: $4000 (US dollar), 1 business week

Personal science and technology achievement evaluation

  • For early-career researchers
    • Standard service: $3000 (US dollar), 8 business weeks
    • Premium service: $4500 (US dollar), 4 business weeks
    • Premium service: $6000 (US dollar), 2 business weeks
  • For senior researchers
    • Standard service: $5000 (US dollar), 8 business weeks
    • Premium service: $7500 (US dollar), 4 business weeks
    • Premium service: $10000 (US dollar), 2 business weeks

To make a payment, please use the following link: https://eur.cvent.me/9wEA7. Additionally, ensure that you send your background documents to benchcouncil.evaluation@gmail.com before making the payment. Please note that we will only proceed with processing your evaluation case after the pre-evaluation is successfully completed.

How to verify the authenticity of the BenchCouncil Science and Technology achievement evaluation Report?

Please contact benchcouncil.evaluation@gmail.com for verification.

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