Venue of Bench'19

2021 BenchCouncil International Symposium on Benchmarking, Measuring and Optimizing (Bench 2021)

Nov 14-16, 2021


Sunday, November 15th, 2021, Begin at 8 am EST (UTC-5)

Sunday,November 14th,2021, Begin at 8 am EST (UTC-5)
Time (EST) Event
08:00-09:30 Tutorial-1: Title: Automated Benchmarking of cloud-hosted DBMS with thebenchANT;
Presenter: Dr, Daniel Seybold and Dr. Jörg Domaschka (Ulm University)
09:30-10:00 Break
10:00-11:30 Tutorial-2: High Frequency Performance Monitoring via Architectural EvenMeasurement.
Presenter: Dr Chen Liu and Chutitep Woralert (Clarkson University)
11:30-12:00 Break
12:00-14:30 Tutorial-3: Title: Advanced MPl Programming;
Presenter: Dr. Yanfei Guo (Argonne National Laboratory)
08:00-08:10 Opening Remark
General Chairs: Resit Sendag and Arne J. Berre
Keynote Session l (Chair: Prof,. Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University)
08:10-08:50 Keynote -Award Lecture (BenchCouncil Achievement Award):
Prof. Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee
Session1:Performance evaluation
(Chair: Dr. Muhammad Saleem, Leipzig University)
08:50-09:05 Best Paper Candidate: Fallout: Distributed Systems Testing as a Service
G.King,S,McCarthy,P, Pattabhiraman, J. Luciani, M. Fleming (DataStax Inc)
09:05-09:20 Performance Ootimization Qoportunities in the Android Software Stack
V. Gohil (Ashoka University), N. Uijainkar (indian Institute of TechnologyGandhinagar), J. Mekie (Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar), MAwasthi (Ashoka University)
09:20-09:35 Workflow Critical Path: A Data-Oriented Critical Path Metric for Holistic HPC Workflows
D. Nguyen, K. Karavanic (Portland State University)
09:35-10:00 Break
Keynote Session ll (Chair: Prof. Jianfeng Zhan, Chinese Academy ofSciences)
10:00 -10:30 Keynote -Award Lecture l (BenchCouncil Rising Star Award)
Dr. Peter Mattson, Google
10:30-11:00 Keynote -Award Lecture ll (BenchCouncil Rising Star Award)
Dr. Wanling Gao, Chinese Academy of Sciences
11:00-11:30 Keynote -Award Lecture lll (BenchCouncil Rising Star Award)
Dr. Vijay Janapa Reddi, Harvard University
Session 2: Machine Learning l (Chair: Dr. FeiYi Wang, Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory)